
Nicola Graham Nicola Graham

Writing emails like a marketeer, not a techie!

How many work emails land in your inbox each day? More importantly, how many of those do you actually read? Let’s be honest here. And among those, how many are operational, informational, or just plain maintenance updates?

Take a moment to scan those emails. Do they all seem to have a similar style? I'll hazard a guess—they're likely very straightforward, aren't they? Packed with facts, delivered in one-size-fits-all templates that are, frankly, a tad dull to wade through.

Now, think about an email you’ve either sent or received from a project team about an upcoming go-live. What’s its look? Does it grab your attention? If it does, that’s brilliant—someone’s doing something right. Feel free to skip the rest of this and just keep on with that winning formula! But if not, stick around. Today’s blog is all about the small, impactful tweaks you can make to ensure your emails aren’t just opened, but read and remembered.

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Nicola Graham Nicola Graham

Top tips for creating training videos for any project.

Are you a project manager managing a project that includes a change to a process or implementing a new system?

Do you ever find yourself having to create your own training videos? Or at least create the outline of what training videos you need to produce after creating your training plan.

I myself have been in this position many times and along the way, I have collected my lessons learnt into 5 top tips for creating streamlined, professional-looking content that remains simple and easy to create.

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